Established in 2006, the Downtown Squamish Business Improvement Association (DSBIA) is the collective voice of Downtown Squamish. With the goal of economic diversification, the DSBIA works to attract awareness and people to Downtown businesses through communications, advocacy, marketing, and events that bring people together.
Surrounded by the stunning beauty of the Sea to Sky, the DSBIA’s catchment area is located between Pemberton Avenue, north and Westminster Street to the south, Loggers Lane and Second Ave to the east and west.

Vision: Downtown Squamish is a thriving business district; culturally and economically vibrant, promoting an inclusive and diverse community that is welcoming to all.
Mission: Our mission is to provide value to our members, to keep our downtown beautiful and to support our businesses in achieving economic success. We advocate on behalf of our businesses and collaborate with others to create a sustainable, equitable and culturally accessible Downtown Squamish.
The Downtown Small Business Improvement Association (DSBIA) is dedicated to invigorating the downtown economy by cultivating diversity through the attraction of both new businesses and residents. Our central focus is on amplifying awareness and bolstering foot traffic for our downtown merchants. Through collaborative endeavors, the DSBIA vigorously champions its members through a diverse array of channels including strategic communications, impactful marketing campaigns, vibrant arts and cultural initiatives, and engaging event hosting. These efforts are designed to foster community cohesion and stimulate interaction within our community. If you’re a new business in the downtown area, reach out to us for more details on how the DSBIA can support your growth and success.

The DSBIA maintains a positive working relationship with the Mayor, Council and staff of the District of Squamish, the Squamish Chamber of Commerce, Tourism Squamish and the Squamish Arts Council supporting downtown businesses’ interests. We are advocates for you! Downtown Businesses Members are encouraged to share their ideas and/or concerns with the DSBIA through the Executive Director and Board Directors.

The annual operating budget is provided by the District of Squamish through a levy applied to the annual taxation of downtown property owners and we apply for annual grants to support various projects. With our limited annual budget, the DSBIA actively leverages sponsorship opportunities, grants and additional community funding from public and private partners. All funds raised go directly towards downtown programming, marketing and events to promote and provide awareness for our Downtown businesses.

Headed by an elected President and Board of Directors, the day to day operations of the DSBIA is run by the Executive Director who receives support and direction from the Board. The board is made up of Downtown Squamish business people and owners. We are always looking for new members to join. Email us to find out how you can become involved.